About Us

Who We Are
MySmile Dental Care Centre is a group dental practice in Luqa Malta. The relaxing new state-of-the-art clinic was opened in 2012, replacing the former clinic established since 1991, which used to be located in the same street. Dr Evan Camilleri, Dr Kevin Briffa, Dr Erika Briffa Zahra, Dr Kirsty Galea, Dr Clementine Dalli, Dr Amy Vella Haber and Dr Nicole Calleja make up the dental team practicing at MySmile. Dr Jan-Marc Muscat is our visiting specialist orthodontist. Our aim is to function as a team to offer excellent dental treatment at the best value for money.
What We Do
We understand and empathise that most people do not look forward to a visit at the dentist. With our new premises, we have managed to create an innovative way of approaching dental treatment. Although it might seem unbelievable to some, nowadays we actually notice that patients who used to be extremely anxious for their dental appointments are now much more relaxed. Each separate clinic is sound-proofed so dental machinery in operation cannot be heard, thus continuing to avoid any unnecessary tension whilst waiting. Have a look at our testimonials for a first direct feedback from our esteemed clients.

Why We’re Different
Going to visit the dentist can actually be a pain-free experience, it doesn’t need to be painful. We make use of any possible means to achieve this goal such as making use of topical anaethetic (spray or gel) prior to administering the local anaesthetic, offering dental treatment under conscious sedation (more commonly known as ‘laughing/happy gas’) and offering gentle and friendly dental treatment in general. In fact it is not the first time a patient is so relaxed that he/she falls asleep on the waiting area sofas or on the dental chair during treatment.
We knew that a comfortable and modern interior design would compliment our services and help our patients to relax and feel more at ease. Therefore during the planning stages of the present premises, every tiny detail was studied and taken into consideration to create the best experience possible for our patients, thus ensuring patient satisfaction.
Moreover, one of the most positive features of receiving your dental treatment at our group practice is that in the case of a dental emergency, we are virtually always open since we are seven dentists practicing at MySmile.

We knew that a comfortable and modern interior design would compliment our services and help our patients to relax and feel more at ease. Therefore during the planning stages of the present premises, every tiny detail was studied and taken into consideration to create the best experience possible for our patients, thus ensuring patient satisfaction.
Moreover, one of the most positive features of receiving your dental treatment at our group practice is that in the case of a dental emergency, we are virtually always open since we are seven dentists practicing at MySmile.

Why We Embarked On The MySmile Project
Let's give you a little history of how it all started. Dr Evan Camilleri graduated from the University of Malta in 1990. After a short spell in government employment, he opened his own clinic in his home village Luqa way back in 1991. The original premises had one treatment room but within the following year it was expanded to provide two treatment rooms and by 1998 a third treatment room was added. Dr Kevin Briffa joined the practice in 2006 and his wife, Dr Erika Briffa Zahra, soon followed. Eventually Dr Brenda Lee Cutajar also joined the practice.
The number of satisfied patients attending for dental care continued growing over all these years and the clinic had become too small for the volume of clients being treated. At this point, the need was felt to set up a group practice in partnership between Dr Evan and Dr Kevin and embark on a new project to set up a cutting edge dental care centre. The move to the new premises took place on 19-12-2011 and MySmile Dental Care Centre was born.
The number of satisfied patients attending for dental care continued growing over all these years and the clinic had become too small for the volume of clients being treated. At this point, the need was felt to set up a group practice in partnership between Dr Evan and Dr Kevin and embark on a new project to set up a cutting edge dental care centre. The move to the new premises took place on 19-12-2011 and MySmile Dental Care Centre was born.